Tuesday 25 April 2023


Slut-shaming is a harmful practice that involves criticising and degrading individuals, particularly women and girls, for their sexual behaviour, appearance, or perceived promiscuity. It is a form of gender-based violence that perpetuates harmful stereotypes and reinforces patriarchal norms. Slut-shaming can take many forms, including derogatory comments, victim-blaming, and social exclusion. It can have serious negative effects on the mental health and well-being of those who experience it, including anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. It is important to raise awareness about slut-shaming and promote education and empathy to prevent it. 

I am not a slut, I am a young liberated woman!

Here's an example of a satirical comment that involves slut-shaming: "Did you hear about Karen? She's been with so many men that she's starting to look like a revolving door." 

This comment is derogatory and implies that Karen is promiscuous and has had many sexual partners. 

In the case of Karen, the comment is particularly offensive because it implies that she is promiscuous or has had many sexual partners, which is not true. The fact that she is happily married does not make her immune to slut-shaming, as it is not just about sexual behaviour, but also about enforcing patriarchal norms and gender-based violence. Women who do not conform to societal expectations around sexual behaviour are often stigmatised and shamed, regardless of their marital status. Slut-shaming can have serious negative effects on the mental health and well-being of those who experience it, including anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. It is important to raise awareness about slut-shaming and promote education and empathy to prevent it. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their sexual behaviour or appearance.

Patriarchal norms are societal expectations and beliefs that prioritise men and masculinity over women and femininity. These norms reinforce gender inequality and perpetuate harmful stereotypes and discrimination against women and girls. Patriarchal norms can manifest in many ways, including gender-based violence, such as domestic violence, sexual assault, and harassment. Gender-based violence is any form of violence that is directed at an individual based on their gender or perceived gender. It is rooted in harmful beliefs and attitudes that contribute to gender inequality, including male entitlement, victim-blaming, and the normalisation of abuse. Gender-based violence can have serious negative effects on the physical and mental health of those who experience it, as well as on their social and economic well-being. It is important to raise awareness about patriarchal norms and gender-based violence and promote education and empathy to prevent them. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their gender or perceived gender.

Be mindful that slut-shaming is not allowed on YouTube. As content creators, we have a responsibility to promote a safe and respectful environment for everyone, including happily married women. It's worth repeating over and over and over again, Slut-shaming perpetuates harmful stereotypes and reinforces patriarchal norms that contribute to gender-based violence. By banning slut-shaming, we make YouTube a safer place for everyone, regardless of their sexual behaviour or appearance.

I urge you to be mindful of the impact of your words and actions on others. Let's work together to create a community that is inclusive, respectful, and supportive. Remember that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and that we all have a role to play in promoting a culture of empathy and understanding.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue.

The comment "Babs must be like the Dartford tunnel. Had a hell of a lot of traffic" is another example of slut-shaming. The comment is derogatory and implies that Babs, who is not identified, has had a lot of sexual partners.

Gay men should know better than to engage in slut-shaming, especially towards married women. As members of the LGBTQ+ community, gay men have experienced discrimination and marginalisation based on their sexual orientation. They should understand the harm that comes from stigmatising individuals based on their sexual behaviour or appearance. Slut-shaming perpetuates harmful stereotypes and reinforces patriarchal norms that contribute to gender-based violence. It is important to promote a culture of empathy and understanding, and to create a safe and respectful environment for everyone, regardless of their sexual behaviour or appearance. By banning slut-shaming on YouTube, we can make the platform a safer place for everyone, including happily married women. Let's work together to create a community that is inclusive, respectful, and supportive, and that promotes the dignity and worth of all individuals.

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