Wednesday 19 April 2023

Complete Dominion!

As a creative writing exercise, imagine a young woman who has a passion for creating innovative and engaging content on her YouTube channel. She is a hardworking and ambitious person who dreams of becoming a successful YouTuber and inspiring others with her creativity.

However, her dreams are shattered when she becomes the victim of a powerful and influential man who sexually harasses her. The man is a sponsor of her channel and uses his power to control and exploit her. He threatens to ruin her career if she speaks out against him, and she is forced to endure the harassment in silence.

The story could explore the character's experiences and the challenges she faces as a victim of sexual harassment. It could show how the character's life is turned upside down by the harassment and how she struggles to cope with the trauma. The story could also examine the power dynamics at play in the entertainment industry and how powerful sponsors use their influence to exploit and abuse young creators.

The character could seek help from her friends and colleagues, but they are afraid to speak out against the powerful sponsor. She could also seek help from the authorities, but they are corrupt and unwilling to help her. The story could show how the character's resilience and determination help her to fight back against the harassment and seek justice.

The story could explore themes of power, control, and oppression. It could also examine the moral and ethical implications of a society that allows the powerful to exploit and abuse the vulnerable. The story could show how the character's experiences shape her worldview and lead her to take action against the oppressive system. Ultimately, the story could end with the character achieving justice and inspiring others to speak out against sexual harassment and abuse on YouTube.

The story takes a dark and sinister turn when the sponsor, spurned and rejected, makes a false and malicious complaint to the police that she is stalking and harassing him. Due to his friends in the police, the main character is arrested and thrown into jail. 

The sponsor's complete dominion over her is complete, and he wins.

The story could explore the character's experiences and the challenges she faces as a victim of false accusations. It could show how the character's life is turned upside down by the false accusations and how she struggles to cope with the trauma of being arrested and thrown into jail. The story could also examine the power dynamics at play in this so-called, ‘Crazy corner of YouTube,’ and how powerful players, movers and shakers use their influence to exploit and abuse new and up-coming YouTube content creators.

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