Wednesday 12 April 2023

Attention noble men and women of the land!

The King Arthur II Political Party is calling upon you to join us in our mission to make our world a better place to live. Together, we will take our seats around King Arthur's Round Table and work towards a brighter future for all.

As members of The King Arthur II Political Party, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of honor, integrity, and fairness. Our goal is to create a world in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, and where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

By joining our party, you will have the opportunity to contribute your unique skills and perspectives to our mission. Whether you are a seasoned voter or a newcomer to the political scene, we welcome you to take your seat at the Round Table and share your ideas with us.

Together, we will tackle the most pressing issues facing our society today, from social inequality and environmental degradation, to economic instability and political corruption. We will work tirelessly to create policies and initiatives that promote justice, equality, and sustainability, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.

So, noble men and women, we call upon you to join us in our mission to create a better world. Take your seat at King Arthur's Round Table, and together, let us make history.

Join The King Arthur II Political Party today.

In the movie "The Boy Who Would Be King", the rules of King Arthur were summarized in a set of principles known as the "Knight's Code". These were:

  1. Honour those you love.
  2. Refrain from wanton offense.
  3. Speak the truth at all times.
  4. Persevere in any enterprise until the end.
  5. Respect the honour of women.
  6. Eschew unfairness, meanness, and deceit.
  7. Guard the honor of fellow knights.
  8. Treat all fairly.
  9. No lying.
  10. No cowardice.

These principles were designed to guide the behaviour of knights and ensure that they acted with honor and integrity. The character of King Arthur was portrayed as a wise and just ruler who upheld these principles, and the movie emphasized the importance of following them in order to achieve success and make a positive impact on the world.

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