Thursday 16 July 2020

Neelu Berry 2015 Court Transcript - Satanic Ritual Death of her Niece.

Another horrific real-life story of Satanic Ritual Abuse was revealed during court proceedings on 26 May 2015, during a conversation between Judge Justice Jay and pharmacist whistleblower Neelu Berry, concerning a complaint with the United Kingdom corporation, c/o London borough of Camden.

 MRS BERRY: Well, this is a longstanding issue of dishonour in public service by public servants since 19… no, 2000 since the birth of my niece, baby Sunaina Chaudhari, 5 months old, in King George Hospital in Redbridge under the care of London Borough of Redbridge Social Services. She was given drug overdoses, the overdoses were overlooked by the doctors, the trust, NHS Trust, the pathologist, the coroner and the police and the court system through this appeal procedure to get a new inquest, applications made to try to get…
I am myself a qualified pharmacist, my registered name was Neelu Chaudhari. I was persecuted by my professional body, The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. They’d committed a fraud and struck me off whilst I was whistleblowing and so I’m quite familiar with what happens to whistleblowers in this country. We do have many, many whistleblowers falsely prosecuted, also imprisoned and this is whistleblowing on the forced adoptions of children being kidnapped from loving parents and families, as my niece was, put into care forcibly and given drug overdoses and then she went through a satanic ritual. My sister found her with a blister on her lip and a bruise on her tongue.  

Its during this extract of their conversation, that the words, “satanic ritual” are mentioned.
“We do have many, many whistleblowers falsely prosecuted, also imprisoned and this is whistleblowing on the forced adoptions of children being kidnapped from loving parents and families, as my niece was, put into care forcibly and given drug overdoses and then she went through a satanic ritual. My sister found her with a blister on her lip and a bruise on her tongue.”
Forced adoptions of children being kidnapped from loving parents and families, put into care forcibly and given drug overdoses and then put through satanic rituals.
This is the dark dark dark secret London doesn’t want you to know.
Satan is alive and well. Satan is Santa, Saint Nic is Satanic!
 THE JUDGE: So when did she die, your niece?
MRS BERRY: 26th October 2000. She was born on 25th May 2000.
THE JUDGE: 26th October 2000. What was her name?
MRS BERRY: Sunaina Chaudhari, S-U-N-A-I-N-A, Chaudhari, C-H-A-U-D-H-A-R-I. That’s my maiden name. I use both names.
MRS BERRY: Chaudhari means lord [which is a?] title to my ancestors.
THE JUDGE: Yes, because I cannot gather that from your application notice.

Neelu’s niece called Sunaina Chaudhari was an innocent baby, killed during a satanic ritual sacrifice to demons of the dark forces.

During a heated court encounter between Judge Justice Jay and Neelu Beery, a member of the public interrupted proceedings:

 THE JUDGE: I am telling you what the law is and you have to listen to me.
A MALE SPEAKER: You don’t know it yourself.
THE JUDGE: If you are not happy, you can leave.
A MALE SPEAKER: [Inaudible] because you're acting… we’re going to stand under Article 6 [of the?] Magna Carta and you're acting treasonous and corrupt by assuming that your laws are laws but they're not. They're Acts of Parliament which aren’t laws at all. They're just a bunch of rubbish that you make up all the time [inaudible] when it suits you lot, yes, that’s what you do. We’re coming for you [through the?] Magna Carta anyway [inaudible].
THE JUDGE: Listen, under the rules, which is rule 54—
MRS BERRY: I’m here as a woman as a natural law… under natural law. Manmade laws—
THE JUDGE: [Inaudible]
MRS BERRY: Manmade laws don’t apply to me. You're quoting me from the Civil Procedure Rules after… that have been drafted after this country was bankrupted in 1930 by the Geneva Convention, by the League of Nations at the Geneva Convention and this country has been under the Uniform—
THE JUDGE: All right, I see where this is going.

More evidence of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

In the following extract, horrific details of the injuries to the dead baby are revealed, leaving a chilling vision of the aftermath of a satanic ritual.

“She had a needle mark in her neck, she had her eyeballs removed, she had all organs removed.”

You are warned. This is graphic and distressing descriptions of satanic ritual abuse.

“Somehow the satanic cults have taken over honour in this country, all public service is being driven by Satanists and we have the case which led to my three kidnaps was the babies being cannibalised and vampirised at churches and primary schools and nursery schools in the UK in Hampstead and my niece’s death was also a satanic ritual. She had a needle mark in her neck, she had her eyeballs removed, she had all organs removed without knowledge and consent and against the wishes of her parents.”

 THE JUDGE: Have you reported these matters to the police?
MRS BERRY: I have indeed. The police found it quite amusing when I told the Holborn Police Station that I was reporting my kidnapping and to pervert the course of justice in their crimes of rape, sodomy, cannibalism and vampirism against babies and children at the Christ Church itself in Hampstead and the Christ Church Primary School and eight other primary schools in Hampstead. It was the same team of police that were on duty every time I was kidnapped. It was Sergeant Andrews, who was very proud to tell me that it was his idea that I was charged with the Ecclesiastical Courts Jurisdiction Act 1860 because Peter Suddell, he said, had been fined £16 and that’s why he decided that was the law to use against me but when the matter came before District Judge McPhee he said, “I am not seeing a charge here, you better review whether to proceed”, but I was kidnapped two more times after that.  
 THE JUDGE: And what specific obligation are you relying on there?
MRS BERRY: It must be under the Gold Standard. This country has been trading outside the Gold Standard.
THE JUDGE: Oh, I see, yes [inaudible]
MRS BERRY: And has been printing paper money and so it’s made Gold Standard redundant and the rest of the planet, it’s enslaved the rest of the planet by coming out of the Gold Standard and this… this order requires the country to become… become honourable to other countries and to come under Gold Standard. It is what it is supposed to be doing in any case. Somehow the satanic cults have taken over honour in this country, all public service is being driven by satanists and we have the case which led to my three kidnaps was the babies being cannibalised and vampirised at churches and primary schools and nursery schools in the UK in Hampstead and my niece’s death was also a satanic ritual. She had a needle mark in her neck, she had her eyeballs removed, she had all organs removed without knowledge and consent and against the wishes of her parents.
The police find it quite amusing to go round kidnapping people who are getting close to the truth of what they're getting up to, the satanic cults are running this country, they're running the police service, they're running the National Health Service, they're running Social Services. We’ve got hundreds of thousands of parents without children where their children have been trafficked for prostitution, pornography and paedophilia and snuff movies by the Satanists and people are going to require this remedy to, you know, as soon as possible.
A MALE SPEAKER: [Inaudible]
MRS BERRY: So we’re just concerned members of the public. There’s going to be obviously a media… there’s alternative media that’s working very hard to get this out and I’m just representing all the people in the United Kingdom. I just happen to be the one who’s been persecuted for 15 years, perhaps my dad was a barrister and when I was a pharmacist I know enough about the National Health Service and the legal system from that that I feel that perhaps I’m representing other people who may not be here before your honour.
THE JUDGE: Is there anything else you want to say?
 MRS BERRY: All I can say is that this is… this is something which is… is required by all public servants by default. It is because we are divine, we’re divinities, we’re children of God, we serve God, all people on this planet serve God, we are God and he’s our father and God serves us. It’s a relationship that we have and we do not serve Satan, we do not accept Satanists taking the authority of our authority and our dad’s authority away from us, especially where babies and children are involved. We, you know, under all the laws I would like to read out just my witness statement, “I, Neelu Berry”—
THE JUDGE: You do not need to read it out because I have read it.
MRS BERRY: If you don’t mind, I’d like to put it on the record.
THE JUDGE: There is not a record.
MRS BERRY: It will just take me two minutes, if you don’t mind:
“I, Neelu Berry, woman, hereby give this witness statement on behalf of all, we, the people of the United Kingdom Corporation to bring all public service into honour at all times under universal laws of free will, non-interference and oneness, under ancient laws of hoo’oponopono, love, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, natural laws of do no harm and let no one harm you and Uniform Commercial Code, international trading law with consent and honour, 1930 Geneva Convention Statelessness Treaties, the United Kingdom Corporation has been trading illegally due to its bankruptcy with dishonour in all public service which is required to be with honour.  
 Despite the public prosecution brought in August 2013 brought to the notice of public servants and a commercial lien in a notarised affidavit of truth of dishonour filed on 29th May 2014 in CAD/2327 29th May 2014, further dishonour has continued with impostor police kidnaps, theft, forced entries at home, false handcuffs not necessary, to pervert the course of justice and cover up of crimes of rape, sodomy, murder, cannibalism, vampirism, prostitution, paedophilia, pornography and snuff movies against babies and children in UK churches, primary schools and nurseries, local businesses, private residencies, local authority premises by public servants such as priests, head teachers, teachers, parents, social workers, police, CAFCASS etc.
I seek the attached order to bring all public service into honour and remove all public servants acting with dishonour despite warnings, to be removed by four good men. I seek remedies for those kidnapped and their property to be returned to their homes and families immediately, including children trafficked by social services into such satanic cults.”
And I also invoke the Magna Carta 1215 Article 61 if the Uniform Commercial, just as a back up for the Uniform Commercial Code. I am here under national law and I do not accept manmade laws have any precedence over common laws or natural laws or ancient laws or [divine?] laws and so by right I hereby on behalf of humanity, global community under that… the international law of honourable trading with consent and with our contract [within the?] contract with consent and so that I require this order to be made today so that we may then start to get the public servants to start remedying the dishonour from the past and [it’s a big job?] on their hands and then they can start doing good work which is what they are supposed to be doing, serve and protect the public.
THE JUDGE: All right?
MRS BERRY: Thank you.

 “That all public servants must act and public service and public standing must be with honour at all times with the consent of the people and all dishonour must be remedied by the public servants immediately.”


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