Friday 22 March 2019

Formal Announcement to the Citizens of the Entire UK by Citizen John Paterson

Momentous Day at the Royal Court's of Justice in London

2019 03 21 Notes of Hearing in Court 37 by Neelu Berry in Application for Witness Protection by Citizen Paterson V state ATC19 0102 in HQ18X00347

Application by Mr Paterson in ATC19 0102 Attorney General V John Paterson ATC for Witness Protection Orders 

Before Mr Justice Swift (J) in Court 37 Royal Courts of Justice London Strand WC2A 2LL

For the Attorney general, Barrister Alexis Cooke from Government Law Department

Present Mr John Paterson (JP), Equity Lawyer, Edward William Ellis (EE), plus 7 other members of the public

10.45am the Judge asked Equity Lawyer Edward William Ellis to sit at the back 

Mr Paterson demanded bench equality 

The judge asserted that Mr Ellis was not a solicitor or a barrister and was expected to "behave".  

Mr Ellis sat in the public gallery 

Judge Justice Swift: How can I help you is this the application to commit?  The application notice of 19th of February says there is an application in the case in HQ18XO0347 Witness protection order, explain what you want 

Equality Lawyer Edward Ellis: Check what documents you have 

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: I have protection rights from Crown and Parliament because I am a corruption witness 

10.49am - 10.50am - Judge Justice Swift is reading one single document 

Judge Justice Swift: 14th and 17th of March documents.  

Equality Lawyer Edward Ellis: Gives the documents to Mr. John Paterson who gives them to Usher to give to the Judge Justice Swift 

10.51 I have read the top Page it refers to 11 items starting with the Crown protection order declaration am I right you want to add? 

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: Yes my lord 

Judge Justice Swift: OK 

Equality Lawyer Edward Ellis: Are you excluding all documents except the top document? there is a draught order of 16th of January 21st of January 18th of February 

Judge Justice Swift: There is no need to read them all out 

Equality Lawyer Edward Ellis: For the benefit of the Crown and Lord Bishops who need to know 25th of February, 6th of March is incomplete, remedy proposal 12th March appeal document 12th of March, draft order of 14th of March wearing high court stamp 

Judge Justice Swift: Explain to me why you would like the orders sought on the 16th of January, 11 different things 

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: Royal Commission use my case as test case 

10.55 I am a witness of corruption within the police judiciary and the BBC, violating children's rights, I use recording device I filmed defendant Matthew Taylor, they used old video, BBC copyright infringement, my intention is for exposing theft, corruption and money laundering.  This is just a brief outline of what has been going on in this country.  This is the biggest story in British history.  Notices were given on the 1st of March 2015 and 1st of March 2016.  On 5th of November 2017 I met with Godfrey Bloom, then I met Brian Setchfield, ex RAF Gordon Bowden 18 years BBC Derby Panorama 2 years Prior,  selly was sent away on a 7 month paid holiday 

10.58 Judge Justice Swift: Main proceedings attorney general says you be committed for recording device 5 years 

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: Charlotte Wright doing the same 

Judge Justice Swift: 14th of May that application has been heard,  any application you make today, I understand one part does relate to 21st of October 2018 order 

Judge Justice Swift: Do you have sealed copy?

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: no 31st of October 2018 Judge was surprised it was a contempt hearing and it has taken so long and it would be heard in 21 days but I was not informed 

Judge Justice Swift: I have the sealed order of 1st of November 2018 

Equality Lawyer Edward Ellis: Ask for a copy 

Judge Justice Swift: That granted permission to appeal to go ahead gave until 21st of November to rely on evidence give notice to attorney general what direction for final hearing 

11.02 Citizen Mr. John Paterson: I never had order 

Judge Justice Swift: Can be shortly remedied

Equality Lawyer Edward Ellis: and the other sealed orders so they can be appealed

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: Can I please have the other order sealed

Judge Justice Swift: No I'm not getting into that.  I am not going to Grant a transcript.  I doubt it significant. I will reach decision not necessary.  You don't need witness statement to unsealed order, the reason why unsealed order was sent was in courtesy in anticipation of final order.  Give reasons why contempt proceedings should not continue 

Judge Justice Swift to Cooke did you receive any submissions to the order of Mr Justice Spencer last year before 21st of November 2018 

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: I did not receive the order I would have acted if I did 

Judge Justice Swift: paragraph 320 1st of November 2nd page the time has passed so if there is evidence to put in the application to pay the evidence send it to the government law department make application to the court as soon as possible 

Other matters paragraph 1 when you record in court whether there are court procedures entitled 

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: My recorder is with Sussex Police 

Judge Justice Swift: Paragraph 2 the Ministry of Justice Sussex police Metropolitan Police Judges acted improperly in charges made against you 

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: Sussex Surrey Kent Police fraud theft and money laundering, fighting 5 years, recorded evidence is all I have, without it none of it comes to light, I was actually assisting judiciary all this evidence is on the internet. 

Judge Justice Swift: So I have properly understood paragraph 2 those are matters if you want to rely on serve on government law department, would evidence if Court accept judge permit dealt with 3, 4, 5, 6 exclusion revocation order for Mr Ellis

Judge Justice Swift: Is there anything you want to say about 6, 7, 8 why orders should be made? 

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: Corruption reported 5 years ago, I am a citizen journalist of 10 years, I have been contacted by insiders, some of it dangerous work, I am still here.  Can I have order refusing order and transcript 

Judge Justice Swift: I will give judgement order list decisions taken, why do I make an order for Edward Ellis to represent you 

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: Mr Ellis has been very helpful to me 

Judge Justice Swift: I will not be making any orders in relation to Edward Ellis to represent you.  You are more than able to express yourself.  Get a solicitor barrister with rights of audience others not allowed to be representatives.  What is contempt investigation order and investigation case reference to prime minister and cabinet?  Why do you say I should make an order 

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: Shutters with come down, my MP Sadiq has a moral obligation to report corruption Is Massive corrupt politicians, police officers important for the case 

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: I thank you 

Judge Justice Swift: 10 party joint order 

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: I have reported massive corruption PC Katie Latham Walworth Police 1 week later Case closed, I was physically assaulted by Hoaxtead Research

I was on a hit list with Sergeant Ray Savage threatening petrol in plastic bag threatening the police officer 

11.25 My wife thank God is abroad and alive, I was accused of killing her, 5 years I want to people in this country to know about my followers I had 6 computers stolen raided stole my friends phone crime Scene Investigation team the only property they took was a £5 Halloween mask 

"that's exactly what we want"

Judge Justice Swift: 9, 10, 11 I am not making 12 not making any orders as to costs.  We got through the list I give a brief judgement what I've decided I will do please sit down. 

11.29 judgement 

I have before me and application in HQ18XO0347 attorney-general vs John Paterson allegation recorded court proceedings in April 2017, contempt proceedings commenced 21st of October 2017, Mr Justice Spencer committal and final hearing listed 14th of May 2019 

Mr Paterson has asked me to make orders paragraph 3 31st of October hearing he has not received a sealed copy of the order, I have been able to provide the sealed order.  Mr Paterson also asked for transcript at public expense.  In my view this is not necessary for transcription to be provided decisions are recorded and procedural where the contempt occurred not necessary to order transcript.  Order is sufficient. Next category Mr Paterson to serve & file by 4 p.m. on 21 November told me because he did not have it and Alexis Cooke government law department confirmed no evidence served from Mr Paterson.  If he wishes to rely on evidence seek permission out of time frame whether such application would be successful to be put before the judge assigned to here on the 14th of May 2019. 

11.35 Judge Justice Swift: "Joint responsibility for protection rights" recording court proceedings no contempt, paragraph 5 no order, paragraph 6, 7 and 8 Mr Ellis present this morning as McKenzie friend.  I allowed Mr Ellis to assist, Mr Potter be able to relate to matters. 

Regarding the exclusion revocation contempt penalty warning, as I understand it that the order was enforced until mid part of last year I understand that exclusion order is lapsed that matter is not for me today so no order is made 

Paragraph 7 general civil restraining order against Mr Ellis not a matter of these proceedings 

8 agency rights for Mr Paterson and others - it is not for me to permit Mr Ellis he has no rights of audience I decline to make it is for the judge to decide 

9, 10, 11 seem to me to relate to matters in, committal proceedings 

11.42  1 to 11 I refuse the order

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: I have not been provided with the sealed order, 

Equality Lawyer Edward Ellis returns the Order and demands a sealed Order

Judge Justice Swift: cost be reserved in my judgement today's hearing no cost order in relation to attendance at today's hearing 

11.43 Court Rise

Citizen Mr. John Paterson: will be appealing the refusal by the Judge to issue Witness Protection Orders and his lack of Jurisdiction due to conflict disqualification.

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