Tuesday 29 November 2016

Madeleine McCann is Dead.

Gerry and Kate McCann find themselves under the spotlight of guilt, following the release of Richard D Hall's latest documentary "McCann's Embedded Confessions," in which he interviews renowned statement analyst Peter Hyatt, who in his professional opinion, concludes the McCann's have lied about their daughter's disappearance.

US based Hyatt analysed a 2011 interview, which the McCann's gave an Australian network in which an embedded confession reveals Madeleine accidentally died from a fall, that the McCann's hid her body and that the possibility of sexual child-abuse must “be further explored.”

Having enjoyed an easy ride by British police and a compassionate UK Press, the McCann's must now be fearing the worse with the release of this latest and most damaging documentary yet.

She fell and died

During the interview the Australian host asked Gerry, "Did you kill your daughter?" to which Gerry replied, "No, that's an emphatic no. Why would we cover that up?"

To which Hyatt replied, "The answer is very simple. We are professional people, with two other children, unintentional death, you are going to lose custody of your children."

Hyatt explains further, “When a guilty person asks questions, they're floating out alibis. Looking to see what sounds plausible. Will it be ridiculed, be accepted, would it sound sane, would it help get them off the hook.”

Portuguese Police Know

Having refused to answer 48 questions by Portuguese detectives and never questioned by British police, the McCann's are waking up to the reality that a highly respected and professional statement analyst, (who teaches other professionals and who assists law enforcement on criminal cases), has staked his career and reputation on the conclusion that the McCann's covered up the accidental death of their daughter.

Hyatt said, "If you asked me, as a matter of public record your conclusion that the McCann's are showing guilty knowledge in the death of Madeleine, how sure are you of that, I am able to answer that knowing that my career is looked at, and say, I'm certain."

“I'm certain”

UFO researcher Richard D Hall has courted controversy with the McCann's before, having braved the threat of libel action with his previous documentary 'The True Story of Madeleine McCann. Buried by Mainstream Media;" which concentrated on the FBI sniffer dogs who alerted their handler to the presence of a cadaver in  the front room, in a cupboard and the boot of their hire car. The findings of the sniffer dogs collaborate Hyatt's conclusion that Madeleine died in the flat.

Promoting his 2017 UK wide tour, Hall once had his own TV show, but was taken off the air-waves by Ofcom, following a complaint about its content. Hall has explored many areas of contention including the 7/7 terror attacks, the Didcot murders, the cover-up of ancient British history, animal mutilations, crop circles, free energy and the 9/11 Twin Tower's collapse.


Many famous and prominent people now find themselves in the uncomfortable position of supporting a couple, who are alleged to have maliciously covered up the accidental death of their daughter.

Amongst many celebrities and politicians, David Beckham made a televised appeal for her safe return, Richard Branson donated £100,000 to kick start a legal fund to clear the McCann's of being suspects in her disappearance, Prince Charles is on record supporting the McCann's and Pope Benedict even gave them his Papal Blessing.

It's only a matter of time before the McCann's face justice and Madeleine can finally rest in peace.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Monday 21 November 2016

Blogger in Need - A Special Appeal by Matt Taylor

No one likes to be silenced, ignored and put into a corner!

I've been blogging since 2012 and across my three top blog platforms, I've attracted over 3 million views, having posted about 2,000 blogs. A top writer in the alternative media, I'm making my own contribution in bringing the sick and evil regime which controls our lives, to it's knees.

Which brings me to my Blogger in Need Appeal

Sussex Police in conjunction with Katy Bourne, their Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) have banned my blog on grounds of harassment.

Nothing could be further from the truth

It all started when I called Katy Bourne a liar. Which is my God given right to do so, considering on the day before the 2016 PCC election she wrote on a sponsored Facebook post; that she's never "claimed for expenses during her term in office."
I know its a blatant lie because her office publicly published her expense claims which shows that she had indeed claimed expenses while during her term in office.

What would you have done?

Katy Bourne is paid £85,000 a year to hold the Chief Constable to account, to set the police priorities and to administer a £250 million budget. Can she be trusted with this immense responsibility while she lies about £385 worth of expenses?
According to the official definition of harassment, anyone can call another person a liar if;
  1. Its the truth

  2. Its a honest opinion

  3. Its exposing a crime

I tick all these boxes...

Its the truth, so much so that the Independent Police Complaint's Commission (IPCC) have launched a criminal investigation into Katy Bourne, which is on-going and is expected to report it's findings soon.
Its in my honest opinion because when I first discovered Katy Bourne had claimed expenses, (after promising the public she wouldn't), I wrote her an email highlighting this error, to which she acknowledged her "error" and refunded a £322 train fare to Birmingham.
I'm exposing a crime, because as the IPCC investigation acknowledges; to make a false statement to influence a PCC election is a criminal breach of s106 of the Representation of the Peoples Act 1983.
As I've made clear on many occasions. I have not harassed anyone. I have simply delivered an extra layer of public scrutiny, which Katy Bourne welcomed when she pledged her Oath of Office.

This isn't about me, its about victims of police crime

Since taking on the mantle of Shadow Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner (SSPCC) following the election of Katy Bourne in 2012, many people have approached me with their stories of police corruption; which have all been chronicled and reported on the SSPCC blog platform.
  • David Joe Neilson; who remains in hiding because he's too scared to return home in fear he's killed.
  • John Lenard Walson; whose historical child-abuse has been covered-up by Sussex Police, which means he cannot claim the compensation he's rightly entitled to.
  • Julliette; who Sussex Police turned their back on, and lost her family home of 20 years, due to the fraudulent actions of her dead ex husband.
  • Brian Setchfield; who witnessed a possible murder at a Hasting police station, but who has since been ignored when making enquires into the police crimes committed on that day.
  • John Paterson; jailed for 6 weeks at Lewes Prison for exposing police brutality after being arrested, assaulted and jailed for no legal reason.

The fact that my blog has been banned, means that these stories have been banned too.
My SSPCC blog was originally banned in July 2016; but I successfully argued for it to be reinstated due to the IPCC investigation, which vindicated my claims Bourne lied to the public.
Now rather than approach me personally, Bourne, the Police and Mark Streater (her number one) prefer to complain about me behind my back, and use more devious means to silence me.

You wouldn't be surprised to learn that the 24 cases of misconduct Streater investigated in relation to Sussex Police; he found all 24 cases to be 'unsubstantiated,' requiring no further action.
I think he banned my SSPCC blog in July 2016 because he knew the IPCC were about to launch an investigation, and the publicity their announcement would bring, would entice the public to Google Katy Bourne, which would show up the hundreds of blogs I've written about her; and as a result would cut short her fledging career.

In-fact since the announcement was made by the IPCC, dozens of news outlets reported on it, including the BBC, Sky News and the Police Oracle; not including the dozens of Sussex based newspapers and on-line magazines.
Its interesting to note, that many of these articles have now been removed. As one member of the public points out:


All and any mention of Katy Bourne has been wiped clean from the UK Blasting News platform, leaving the BBC the only one whose article remains.

A complaint that the electorate was misled over the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner's expenses is being investigated by the police watchdog.
Since getting my blog back up and running, I thought I'd won and that it'll be the end of it...
Hence I posted a further three blogs calling into question the involvement of Sussex Police in the 2015 Shoreham air-show crash and the 2016 Camber Sands tragedy.

While some people, like Andy Morton for example thinks it's best to 'simply' label me a 'crackpot conspiracists' and deny me the 'oxygen of publicity'; the truth remains that I'm flagging up pertinent and important issues.

Using underhand techniques to silence me will back fire.

Sussex Police have banned a blog on grounds of harassment against Katy Bourne, the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner (SPCC)
I need everyone who reads this to share it, please. We need to show Sussex Police that banning any blog (which criticises their actions) is not acceptable.
Once we lose our freedom of speech and expression, then we have lost our Soul. Our essence of being and our reason for being.
I blog about Katy Bourne and Sussex Police because I am seeing glaring discrepancies in what they do and say; which other journalists aren't picking up on.
I still find it unbelievable that I'm the only person in Sussex to pick up on her expenses discrepancy.  The so-called Fourth Estate is failing in it's duty to hold elected officials to account.


  • First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.
  • Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
  • Then they came for the blogger, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a blogger.
  • Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.