Thursday 4 December 2014


David Cameron’s nasty Nazis conservative party have reached new heights of criminality following the release of statistics from Age UK, which reveals more than 200 elderly people die everyday due to the lack of warmth.

Revealing this shocking figure in their issue 10 Winter 2014 Age UK Life magazine, any pretence that the nasty Nazis conservative party are a caring sharing party has been wiped away once and for all.

While David Cameron spends millions on the non-existent Ebola virus and Terrorist threat, one elderly person will die in the UK every seven minutes as a result of the cold.

This is Unacceptable.

Claiming to be a first world country, the insidious truth is revealed that David Cameron’s drive for more and more austerity measures are nothing more than an ideological smoke-screen to commit genocide against our nation’s elderly.

This winter, one older person will die every seven minutes as a result of the cold.

It’s a sad fact indeed that this Christmas half a million old people will spend Christmas Day alone. It’s equally sad that more than a million older people haven't spoken to anyone for more than a month.

In David Cameron’s caring and sharing nation, elderly people are faced with a choice of feeding themselves or heating themselves.

Heating and eating should not be an issue.

While every single politician in parliament can reclaim their energy bill costs at the expense of the tax payer, while the most vulnerable people in Britain are dying at a rate of 200 a day, one every 7 minutes.

If you don’t see this as ‘GENOCIDE’, then you’re a Conservative voter.

As Age UK makes clear:

  • Fuel poverty and poor general health is a lethal combination - and the sad fact is that older people are more susceptible than most to both.
  • Many older people have not had the opportunity or money to plan for their financial future. That means they are forced to make careful choices about how they spend what little money they do have.
  • In too many cases, that has meant people doing without the things that will ultimately prove to be the difference between living and dying.

In a modern 21st Century Britain no-one should be forced to make a life or death decision on a daily basis.

According to the government’s own health, safely and welfare guidelines, schools must ensure the minimum temperature measured 0.5 meters above floor level doesn’t fall below 18°c (or 15°c while in the gym).

Employers are under a general duty of care to their employees to ensure the temperature in the workplace doesn’t fall below 16°c (or 13°c doing physical work).

Though if you apply the same rules to private accommodation, there are no requirements to provide heat to anyone outside schools and the work place.

We must all make a commitment to help keep older people warm in winter.

Back to Age UK:

“What does that mean? It means every older person being able to heat their bedroom and living room without worrying about the cost. It means being able to afford to buy or cook a hot, nutritious meal every day. It means having warm clothes.”

It means every older person being able to heat their bedroom and living room without worrying about the cost.

In any other time in history every single politician in parliament would be kicked out in shame, following the genocide of their greed, but thanks to television and the propaganda tools at the government’s disposal, David Cameron is able to keep kicking the can along the road, ensuring justice keeps a safe distance away.

When are the People of Britain going to wake up to the crimes being perpetrated against us on a daily basis by the very people we put into power to protect and serve our best interests?

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