Friday 31 May 2024

The Hypocrisy of James Hind: A Disturbing Paradox…

Satanic paedophile protector James Hind's actions reveal a disturbing hypocrisy and potential danger to children. While portraying himself as a child advocate, champion and protector, he admits to pretending to be a 12-year-old boy online and engaging with children as young as 11 and 12 years old. Alarmingly, Hind has also shared highly illegal and disturbing content of the worst kind with these minors.

Hind's Deceptive Online Behaviour.

Hind's decision to impersonate a child online and interact with real minors is deeply concerning behaviour. By posing as a 12-year-old boy, he gains access to spaces and conversations intended to be safe for children. This deception violates the trust and boundaries that protect vulnerable young people in online communities.

Disseminating Illegal Materials to Minors.

Even more egregious is Hind's admitted sharing of illegal and disturbing content involving the exploitation of children with minors as young as 11 years old. Exposing children to such materials is unequivocally harmful and can have severe psychological impacts. It is a reprehensible act that constitutes a serious crime.

Contradicting His Self-Proclaimed Role.

Hind's actions stand in stark contradiction to his self-portrayal as a child advocate, champion and protector. Rather than safeguarding children, he has infiltrated their online spaces under false pretences and subjected them to highly inappropriate and illegal content. This is the very kind of predatory behaviour parents and child safety organisations aim to prevent.

Hind's hypocrisy is laid bare - while accusing Matt Taylor of being a danger to children, his own actions demonstrate a willingness to deceive, exploit, and potentially traumatise minors for undisclosed reasons. Such a profound disregard for the well-being of children completely undermines any claims he makes about advocating for their protection.

The key concerning details are:

  1. James Hind admits to pretending to be a 12-year-old boy online and engaging with real children as young as 11 and 12 years old.

  2. He has shared highly illegal and disturbing content of an exploitative nature involving minors with these children.

These actions almost certainly violate laws against:

  • Sexual exploitation of minors

  • Distribution of illegal pornographic materials involving children

  • Solicitation of minors

  • Potentially additional charges related to the specific illegal content shared

Such crimes involving the sexual abuse and exploitation of children typically carry extremely harsh penalties, including lengthy prison sentences and requirements to register as a sex offender.

Without more details on the specific illegal materials, it's difficult to determine the exact charges and punishments Hind could face. However, his admitted actions of impersonating a child online to interact with and expose real minors to illegal exploitative content are undoubtedly grave criminal offences that would result in severe legal consequences if prosecuted.

The profound hypocrisy of Hind's claimed advocacy for children while admittedly engaging in such predatory and abusive behaviour towards minors is deeply disturbing and criminal in nature. Appropriate legal authorities would need to thoroughly investigate and potentially charge him based on the illegal actions described.

Impacts on Child Protection Efforts.

The actions of James Hind have broader implications for the field of child protection. His behaviour casts a shadow over the efforts of legitimate child advocates who work within ethical boundaries to protect and support minors. By using deceptive and harmful tactics, Hind not only endangers children but also undermines public trust in child advocacy organisations.

The erosion of trust can have significant consequences. Parents and guardians may become more sceptical about allowing their children to engage with advocacy programs, fearing the potential for exploitation. This scepticism can hinder the effectiveness of initiatives designed to educate children about online safety, support victims of abuse, and prevent exploitation.

The Role of Technology in Child Safety.

Hind's case highlights the critical role of technology in both facilitating and combating child exploitation. The internet provides predators with new avenues to access and manipulate children, making it essential for child protection efforts to evolve alongside technological advancements.

To counteract the misuse of technology by individuals like Hind, several measures can be taken:

1. Stronger Online Monitoring: Social media platforms and online communities must enhance their monitoring systems to detect suspicious activities. Utilising advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence can help identify patterns of behaviour indicative of grooming or exploitation.

2. Educational Programs: Comprehensive educational programs for children, parents, and educators can raise awareness about online dangers and teach effective strategies for staying safe. These programs should emphasise the importance of verifying the identities of individuals they interact with online.

3. Collaboration with Law Enforcement: Technology companies should collaborate closely with law enforcement agencies to ensure rapid response to reports of online exploitation. Streamlined reporting mechanisms can facilitate quicker intervention and protect potential victims.

Moving Forward: Strengthening Safeguards.

To prevent similar situations from occurring, several measures can be implemented:

1. Public Awareness Campaigns: Educating parents and children about the dangers of online interactions with strangers and the tactics used by potential predators can help mitigate risks.

2. Enhanced Monitoring and Reporting: Social media platforms and online forums should bolster their monitoring systems to detect and report suspicious activities promptly. Improved reporting mechanisms can facilitate quicker intervention by authorities.

3. Legal Reforms and Enforcement: Strengthening laws related to online child protection and ensuring rigorous enforcement can deter individuals from engaging in harmful behaviour. Clear legal consequences for such actions are necessary to uphold the safety of minors.

4. Support for Genuine Advocates: Providing resources and support to legitimate child advocacy organisations can amplify their impact and help them reach more children in need. Collaboration with law enforcement and mental health professionals can enhance the effectiveness of their work.


James Hind's case is a stark reminder of the complexities and dangers inherent in child advocacy, particularly when it is marred by hypocrisy and unethical behaviour. While his accusations against Matt Taylor suggest a concern for child safety, his own actions betray this concern, exposing a troubling paradox. It is imperative for society to scrutinise and hold accountable those who claim to protect children, ensuring that their actions align with ethical and legal standards. Only through vigilance and integrity can we truly safeguard the well-being of our most vulnerable members.

Ultimately, protecting children from harm requires a collective effort, grounded in ethical principles and supported by robust legal frameworks. By learning from cases like Hind's, society can strengthen its commitment to child safety and ensure that advocacy efforts are both effective and trustworthy.

Satanic Stalker James Hind Sends Disturbing Message to Victim Matt Taylor.

Brighton, UK — In a troubling turn of events, self-proclaimed satanic stalker James Hind has sent another unsettling message to his victim, Matt Taylor. The message, which appears to offer a peculiar mix of guidance and condemnation, has left Taylor feeling harassed and seeking peace from his persistent stalker.

James Hind's message reads: 

"We have attempted to encourage predator Matthew Taylor of Brighton to positive paths such as promoting King Arthur, building a film and theme park business, and standing as MP, but he wishes none of these things and prefers to stalk and abuse victims. We must oppose his stalking."

This communication marks yet another instance in a series of unwelcome interactions from Hind, who has a history of targeting Taylor. Hind's latest message attempts to paint Taylor in a negative light while bizarrely suggesting various paths he believes Taylor should pursue, including promoting the legendary figure King Arthur, embarking on entrepreneurial ventures, and engaging in political activities.

In response, Matt Taylor has made his position clear. He does not seek or welcome any form of encouragement, advice, or interaction from Hind. Taylor has stated unequivocally that he simply wants to be left alone and for the harassment to cease.

Taylor's plea underscores the distress and frustration he has experienced due to Hind's continued harassment. The message from Hind appears to be a thinly veiled attempt to justify his stalking behaviour under the guise of offering support or guidance, a tactic that Taylor rejects outright.

As Taylor advocates for his right to live free from harassment, the situation highlights the broader issue of stalking and the psychological toll it can take on victims. Taylor's case is a stark reminder of the importance of respecting personal boundaries and the impact that unwanted attention can have on an individual's well-being.

Authorities and support organisations often stress the importance of taking stalking seriously and encourage victims to seek help. For Taylor, his primary wish remains simple: to be left in peace by James Hind and to move forward without the shadow of ongoing harassment.

MattTaylorTV! Who's the Gimp? Friday 31 May 2024...

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Unmasking James Hind: Matt Taylor’s Quest for Justice

For years, Matt Taylor has been living a nightmare. Stalked and harassed by an anonymous online entity known only as James Hind, Taylor has endured relentless torment. The shadowy figure, shielded by the anonymity of the internet, has caused him significant distress, exploiting the power of obscurity to inflict pain without consequence. But now, Taylor’s hope is renewed as he edges closer to uncovering the true identity of his tormentor.

In a heartfelt message to his friends and supporters, Taylor expressed his profound longing for the day when James Hind’s real identity will be revealed. “Knowing his real name will be a significant turning point, not just for me, but for all those who have supported me through this painful journey,” Taylor wrote.

The revelation of Hind’s identity is not just a personal victory for Taylor; it represents a broader stand against the misuse of online anonymity. The internet, while a powerful tool for communication and connection, can also be a breeding ground for malicious behaviour. For Taylor, unmasking Hind is about more than personal vindication—it is about ensuring that justice is served and that others do not have to endure the same suffering.

Taylor’s ordeal is a stark reminder of the dark side of online interactions. Hidden behind a screen, individuals can perpetrate acts of harassment with little fear of retribution. This misuse of anonymity can devastate lives, as it has for Taylor. The emotional toll of being targeted, day in and day out, by an unseen adversary cannot be overstated. It is a relentless, exhausting battle that leaves deep scars.

Yet, amid the pain and frustration, Taylor’s message is one of hope and determination. He speaks of the support he has received from friends and well-wishers, a network of people who have stood by him, offering strength and encouragement. “Your unwavering support has given me the strength to continue fighting,” Taylor acknowledged, underscoring the importance of community in combating online harassment.

Taylor’s anticipation for the day he can confront James Hind in a court of law is palpable. It represents not just a legal battle, but a deeply personal quest for closure and justice. “I long for the day when I can finally see the face behind the name, confront my harasser in a court of law, and secure the justice that has been denied to me for so long,” he shared.

As Taylor moves forward, his journey highlights the urgent need for better mechanisms to address online harassment and protect victims. It calls for a re-examination of how anonymity is used and abused on the internet and what can be done to hold perpetrators accountable.

In his quest for justice, Matt Taylor is not just fighting for himself; he is fighting for everyone who has been victimised by anonymous online harassment. His story is a testament to resilience and the unwavering human spirit in the face of adversity. As the day of revelation draws nearer, Taylor’s supporters remain steadfast, ready to see justice served and a long-awaited chapter closed.

Together, they stand with Taylor, united in the hope that his suffering will lead to meaningful change and that, finally, justice will prevail.

Thursday 30 May 2024

The Ongoing Threats Faced by Matt Taylor from Self-Proclaimed Satanist James Hind...

In an unsettling continuation of targeted harassment, Matt Taylor, a former Royal Military policeman turned political commentator from Brighton, finds himself under persistent threat from James Hind, a self-proclaimed Satanist. Hind's latest menacing communication came via Twitter, where he issued a stark warning to Taylor regarding his public comments on the suspension of Lloyd Russell-Moyle, the former MP for Brighton Kemptown, by the Labour Party.

Hind’s tweet read: "We suggest the predator Matthew Taylor of Brighton be very careful about what he says in public against the former MP for Brighton Kemptown Mr Russell-Moyle, as we will make sure Taylor answers for any libel and malicious communications he makes against Mr Russell-Moyle."

This tweet is the latest in a series of threats aimed at silencing Taylor, who has been vocal in his critiques of various public figures and political developments. The language employed by Hind not only attempts to intimidate Taylor but also maligns his character by labeling him a "predator."

Background of the Feud…

The animosity between Taylor and Hind dates back several years, rooted in their sharply contrasting worldviews and public statements. Taylor, known for his outspoken and often controversial opinions, has not shied away from criticizing individuals and institutions he believes are corrupt or morally compromised. This has included remarks about local politicians and figures like Russell-Moyle.

Hind, on the other hand, has used his platform to support and defend individuals such as Russell-Moyle, while also promoting his own radical ideology. His identification as a Satanist and his aggressive online behaviour have only added a layer of complexity to the situation, as his threats often carry an undertone of dark, ritualistic menace.

The Impact of Hind’s Threats…

For Taylor, Hind's continuous threats have had a significant impact. Living under the shadow of potential retaliation, Taylor faces not only the stress of personal safety concerns but also the challenge of maintaining his freedom of speech in a climate of fear. The nature of Hind’s threats — promising legal action for alleged libel and malicious communication — seeks to stifle Taylor's commentary through intimidation.

Moreover, these threats have not been limited to online harassment. Taylor has reported instances of more direct confrontations, heightening the sense of danger he feels. The portrayal of Taylor as a "predator" by Hind is particularly damaging, as it aims to undermine Taylor's credibility and tarnish his reputation within the community.

Legal and Social Ramifications…

The ongoing conflict raises significant questions about the balance between freedom of speech and the protection against defamation and malicious communication. While Taylor’s critiques of public figures fall within the realm of free expression, Hind's threats could be seen as crossing into the territory of harassment and intimidation.

Legal experts suggest that Taylor could pursue action against Hind for harassment, though the complex nature of online threats and the enforcement of laws across digital platforms often complicates such proceedings. Additionally, the public nature of these exchanges exposes broader societal issues related to the management of online behaviour and the protection of individuals from targeted harassment.


The continuous threats from James Hind against Matt Taylor represent a troubling dynamic in the modern landscape of political commentary and personal safety. As Taylor navigates the perils of public discourse amidst such intimidation, the situation underscores the urgent need for clearer protections and support for individuals facing harassment online. The balance between free speech and the prevention of harmful communication remains a contentious and vital issue in ensuring a just and safe public sphere.

Satan Rules OK! (Featuring Christopher Lee)

The Hidden Dominion: How Satanists Rule the World…

In the shadowed corners of history and society, a chilling narrative takes shape. It is a tale of subtle subversion, covert influence, and an insidious ideology that has woven itself into the very fabric of our lives. The argument that Satanists rule the world, having infiltrated every area of life, is not a simple conspiracy theory but a complex hypothesis supported by unsettling patterns, historical precedents, and the pervasive presence of symbols and behaviours aligned with satanic principles.


Wednesday 29 May 2024

Satanist James Hind Breaks Twitter Silence Ahead of UK General Election.

James Hind, a controversial figure known for his outspoken views and affiliation with Satanism, has broken his self-imposed Twitter silence just weeks before the UK General Election. Hind had previously announced that his Twitter account would remain inactive until after the election, stating, "This Twitter account will go inactive until after the UK General Election on 4th July 2024. Thanks everyone for following. See you in July."


Satanist James Hind Breaks Twitter Silence Ahead of UK General Election.

Matt Taylor: Accusations of Cowardice and Political Aspirations.

In a recent tweet, self-proclaimed Satanist James Hind accused Brighton-based political figure Matt Taylor of cowardice. Hind urged Taylor to stop "playing victim" and formally announce his candidacy for the upcoming General Election, with the nomination deadline approaching on June 7, 2024. Drawing a stark comparison to former U.S. President Donald Trump, Hind suggested that unlike Trump, who is facing numerous charges yet still running for office, Taylor lacks the courage to commit to his political ambitions.

Hind's tweet reads:

"We urge the Brighton predator Matthew Taylor to stop playing victim and run as candidate for General Election if he intends to. Deadline for nomination papers is 07/06/24. Trump unlike Taylor faces numerous charges and is running for office that he could win; Taylor is a coward."

This public challenge highlights the contentious and often controversial nature of Taylor's political and personal life. Known for his outspoken views and unconventional approach, Taylor has been a polarising figure in local politics. His critics, including Hind, argue that Taylor's behaviour and reluctance to formally declare his candidacy exemplify a lack of commitment and integrity.

The Political Context.

Matt Taylor, a former soldier and local activist, has a history of making bold claims and taking unconventional stances. Despite his controversial reputation, he has garnered a following for his willingness to address issues that mainstream politicians often avoid. However, his critics argue that his tactics and rhetoric do more to alienate potential supporters than to build a serious political movement.

Hind’s comparison to Trump is intended to underscore what he perceives as Taylor's failure to rise to the occasion. Trump, despite facing numerous legal battles and widespread criticism, continues to actively pursue political office. Hind's message suggests that if Taylor truly believes in his political platform, he should similarly face the challenges head-on rather than retreating into what Hind describes as a "victim" mentality.

The Broader Implications.

This accusation of cowardice touches on broader themes of political accountability and personal integrity. For voters in Brighton and beyond, the ability of a candidate to withstand personal and professional scrutiny is a critical factor in assessing their suitability for office. Hind’s tweet challenges Taylor to prove his dedication to his political ideals by taking concrete action, rather than merely engaging in rhetoric.

As the deadline for nomination papers looms, it remains to be seen whether Taylor will heed Hind's call to action or continue to maintain a lower profile. For his supporters, a formal candidacy could provide a much-needed rallying point and a chance to demonstrate their collective strength. For his detractors, it would provide an opportunity to hold Taylor accountable in a more structured and public forum.


James Hind's provocative tweet has reignited debate about Matt Taylor's political future and personal courage. As the General Election nomination deadline approaches, Taylor faces a pivotal decision that could define his political career. Whether he chooses to run or not, the scrutiny and controversy surrounding his candidacy are likely to persist, reflecting the deeply polarised nature of contemporary political discourse.


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The Relationship Between James Hind and Matt Taylor…

Mr Snide's Obsession knows No Bounds.

Beware of Project Night Watch! Beware of Satanic Extremism.

MattTaylorTV! What are you doing? Wednesday 29 May 2024...

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Some people call me a menace to society; I just like to think I’ve got big boobs.


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